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This is the score for the film Pre-Pandemic Field Trip, a film animated by Ariel Grubb, based on a poem by Stacey Lawrence. Spencer created the score, using layered ukulele, whistling, and guitar.

This is the first demo track from a folk-opera Spencer wrote about Vasilisa the Beautiful, a Russian fairy tale. The project isn't finished yet, as the songs are only in their beginning stages. The rest of the demo tracks can be found here:

This is a film Spencer was hired to compose the score for, as well as doing all of the sound editing, and the foley work. All sounds were created by them, and the music is a mix of synths and acoustic string instruments, including mandolin, ukulele, and guitar.

To the right is a link to a soundtrack Spencer created for another artist, Lydia Glenn; this project, called The Back Yard, was never completed, however a full soundtrack was completed, and posted to Spencer's YouTube. The album consists of vintage sounding acoustic music (including a rough demo for a lyrical closing credits song, which can be found on YouTube) to match the setting of a 1930's American circus. The creator never posted this trailer online herself, however you can see the unfinished trailer which includes voice acting by Spencer if you contact them.

To the left is a character theme Spencer Wrote to accompany a Dungeons and Dragons character they created. This is an example of some of the electronic/chip-tune style music they enjoy creating.

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